Welcome Teachers!

Getting Started & Course Implementation

2023-24 VE National Calendar

Review About the VE Curriculum and Resources  

Scroll through the Teacher Pacing Guide  which provides a task sequence

VE LMS / Foundational Tasks / Orientation

VE Course Outline

Summer Preparation - “New Teacher Training Plan” - Getting acclimated to VE resources in bite-size pieces; suggested weekly review plan included

Planning using the VE Daily Planning Template

Add your students into the Hub (Hub User Guide - see Tools on how to do stuff)

Create Welcome Packet

Review Welcome Slideshow

Foundational Tasks & Resources

Task 1 - Matching Abilities and Skills with Job Traits

Task 2 - Applying for Job Positions in the VE

Task 3 - Interview and Placement Process

Task 4 - Introduction to the Career Readiness Framework (CRF)

Facilitation Resources

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