National Business Plan
Competition Guidelines

This guide has been developed to provide VE facilitators and students with information about the Business Plan Competition and preparing for a unique educational experience. Carefully review this document; it includes deadlines, logistical details, rules and recommendations for all business plan competitions.

Additional support for the competition is being provided by private-sector partners, institutions of higher education and many individuals who believe in VE’s mission.

Introduction & Overview

Welcome to the 21st annual VE National Business Plan Competition!

The VE National Business Plan Competition challenges VE students from across the country to demonstrate their global business expertise through written business plans and oral presentations. The competition showcases best practices, rewards excellence, and trains high school students to apply sophisticated knowledge and skills attributed to business professionals and college students. Teams from across the country participate in local and regional competitions to qualify for this event. The competition represents an opportunity for the VE community to motivate and reward its best performing VE teams and builds momentum for an already fast growing, unique program.

Competition Overview

  • All Firms submit the Enhanced Executive Summary by the date indicated by your VE Region
  • Qualifying for the National Business Plan Competition (NBPC) is based on regional advancement
  • Qualifying NBPC teams submit the Written Business Plan by March 13, 2025
  • Qualifying NBPC teams submit the Oral Presentation Slides by April 3, 2025
  • NBPC In-Person Presentation + Q&A (April 7 and 8, 2025)
  • All scoring guides can be found on: Hub / Curriculum / Competitions Scoring Guides & Resources / Business Plan Competition

Local / Regional Business Plan Competition Eligibility

All high school teams participating in VE are eligible to compete in the local and regional rounds of the Business Plan Competition. All participants must be current student-employees of the registered VE firm. All employees are allowed and encouraged to contribute in preparing the enhanced executive summary and oral presentation slideshow submission. Each team is limited to 3-6 presenters and all members of the presentation team must participate in the Q&A.

National Business Plan Competition Eligibility

In order to qualify for the (National Business Plan Competition) NBPC, a VE firm must advance through their VE region’s competition(s). Each team is limited to 3-6 presenters and all members of the presentation team must participate in the Q&A. The qualifying teams must be approved by their State/Regional Coordinators/Directors to compete in the NBPC. The National Office of Virtual Enterprises International also reserves the right to offer wildcard advancement.

Any firm that competes in the final round of the NBPC will be required to start a new business in the following year to be eligible for the NBPC.

DISCLAIMER: VE reserves the right to disqualify any team or team member, at any time during the VE National Business Plan Competition, for a violation of any rule in this guide or for any behavior that VE deems to be dishonorable.

Expectations for Participation

All participating firms will be expected to register for the competition, prepare a written submission, and deliver a presentation followed by a Q&A session to a panel of judges.

Local / Regional Submissions

  • 4-Page Enhanced Executive Summary (Competitions Manager)
  • Oral Presentation Slides (Competitions Manager)
  • Business Plan Competition Registration (JotForm)

For multi-round competitions, an updated submission is required. 

National Submissions

  • 4-Page Enhanced Executive Summary (Competitions Manager)
  • 20-Page Written Business Plan (Competitions Manager)
  • Oral Presentation Slides (Competitions Manager)
  • Business Plan Competition Registration (Competitions Manager)

All submissions must reflect the original work of current students from the VE firm. Written submissions and oral presentations should adhere to the scoring guides available on the VE-LMS. Scoring guides can be found on: Hub / Curriculum / Competitions Scoring Guides & Resources / Business Plan Competition

Local / Regional Rounds

Registering for a Local / Regional Round

1. Register to Compete: Firms can register for their local/regional round by going to the Event Registration icon on the Hub. Each firm will register to participate in the competition and declare their intent to present. Firms will be required to provide the following information and documents (found in the Additional Resource Documents section) for registration:

    • Firm Name, School Name, Facilitator Name and Contact Info
    • Total Number of Presenting Team Members, Full Names of Presenting Team Members (indicate backup presenters if necessary)
    • Signed Photo/Video Consent Forms for each team member in a single PDF file (digital signatures accepted)
    • Signed Ethics Agreement in a PDF file (digital signatures accepted)

2. Written Submission (Competitions Manager): Each firm will submit the 4-page Enhanced Executive Summary by the deadline set by by your Regional Lead to the Competitions Manager.

3. Oral Presentation Slides Submission (Competitions Manager): Each firm will submit the oral presentation slideshow deck by the deadline set by your Regional Lead to the Competitions Manager.

Scoring guides for written submission and oral presentation can be found on: Hub / Curriculum / Competitions Scoring Guides & Resources / Business Plan Competition

Submission Weight

Oral Presentation Structure

Time Limits

Presentations must be at least 8 minutes in length and cannot extend beyond 10 minutes. The Q&A period will be approximately 5-8 minutes (as set by the VE Region). Penalties for presentations that go over the time limit are as follows:

  • 10 second grace period before 1st penalty applied
  • 11 to 30 seconds over: 1 point
  • 31 to 60 seconds over: 2 points
  • 61 seconds up to 2 minutes over: 5 points
  • More than 2 minutes over: 10 points

Oral Presentation Format (for online competitions)

  • Each competition will have an online “Lobby” where teams enter at their scheduled time
  • Each team will be directed to a presentation room (i.e. breakout room) with judges and a moderator assigned to each presentation room
  • The moderator in each breakout room will manage timing, judge engagement, Q&A and feedback session, and troubleshoot tech issues
  • Judges will review the Executive Summary in advance and then review, rate, and provide feedback to each of the 4 teams in each session. Feedback will also be provided through the Competitions Manager following the competition.
  • VE teachers will be allowed to observe their team, provided they are muted.

Oral Presentation Format (for in-person presentations)

  • Each team will be directed to a presentation room with judges and a moderator assigned to each presentation room
  • The moderator in each room will manage timing, judge engagement, Q&A, and troubleshoot tech issues
  • Judges will rate each of the teams presentations in each session and feedback will be provided through the Competitions Manager following the competition
  • VE teachers will be allowed to observe their team, but cannot interact with students once the presentation begins. VE reserves the right to limit observers as needed.


After a team completes their oral presentation, they will move into the Q&A session. Q&A Session is approximately 5-8 minutes (as set by the VE Region).  Judges will pose questions to team members. The judges have allotted time to ask questions relating to the oral presentation or executive summary. Any member of the team may choose to answer the question and responses should be distributed across the members of the team. Responses should not be dominated by any individual team member. Team members may NOT confer with each other while formulating answers. Additional feedback can also be found in the Competitions Manager following the competition.

National Rounds


For Teachers & Qualifying Teams

February 27, 2025

Final date to send the written business plan to your Regional Lead for review.

March 3, 2025

Final date to register to participate in the NBPC. See the Registration tab in the National Rounds section for full details on required documents for registration.

March 13, 2025

Final date to submit the 20-page Written Business Plan to the Competitions Manager. Submit as a single .pdf file

April 3, 2025

Final date to submit presentation slides to the Competitions Manager as a single .pdf file.

April 7, 2025

Preliminary Round (Top 40 Teams)

April 7, 2025

Semifinal Round (Top 20 Teams)

April 8, 2025

Championship Round (Top 8 Teams)

Registering for the National Round

NBPC qualifying teams must register by March 3, 2025.

1. Register to Compete: Firms will be provided a link to register for the competition from the Central Team. Firms will be required to provide the following information and documents (found in the Additional Resource Documents tab in the Competition Resources section) for registration:

    • Firm Name, School Name, Facilitator Name and Contact Info
    • Firm Logo (high resolution JPEG or PNG file)
    • Total Number of Presenting Team Members, Full Names of Presenting Team Members (indicate backup presenters if necessary)
    • Presentation Time Slots (please note we may not be able to accommodate all requests)
    • Signed Photo/Video Consent Forms for each team member in a single PDF file (digital signatures accepted)
    • Signed Ethics Agreement in a PDF file (digital signatures accepted)
    • Agreements/contracts with non-virtual entities showing evidence of negotiation in a single PDF file
    • One digital team photo (1,200 DPI or higher resolution JPEG)
    • 4-page executive summary as a single .pdf file (will not be counted in the firm’s business plan score, but judges will review prior to the competition)

2. Written Submission (Competitions Manager): Firms will submit the 20-page Written Business Plan by March 13, 2025 to the Competitions Manager.

3. Oral Presentation Slides Submission (Competitions Manager): Each firm will submit the oral presentation slideshow deck by April 3, 2025 to the Competitions Manager.

Scoring guides for written submission and oral presentation can be found on: Hub / Curriculum / Competitions Scoring Guides & Resources / Business Plan Competition

Oral Presentation Structure

Preliminary Rounds

Preliminary and Semifinal Round presentations will be held during the Youth Business Summit. A schedule will be provided to all participants.

  • Preliminary Round: Up to 40 teams will present and the Top 20 teams will advance from Preliminary Round to Semifinal Round.
  • Semifinal Round: 20 teams will present and the Top 8 teams will advance from the Semifinal Round to the Championship Round.

Time Limits

Presentations must be at least 8 minutes in length and cannot extend beyond 10 minutes. The Q&A period will be approximately 5-10 minutes. Penalties for presentations that go over the time limit are as follows:

  • 10 second grace period before 1st penalty applied
  • 11 to 30 seconds over: 1 point
  • 31 to 60 seconds over: 2 points
  • 61 seconds up to 2 minutes over: 5 points
  • More than 2 minutes over: 10 points

Oral Presentation Format

Each team will be directed to a presentation room with judges and a moderator assigned to each presentation room.

  • The moderator in each room will manage timing, judge engagement, Q&A, and troubleshoot tech issues
  • Judges will rate each of the teams presentations in each session and feedback will be provided through the Competitions Manager following the competition
  • VE teachers will be allowed to observe their team, but cannot interact with students once the presentation begins. VE reserves the right to limit observers as needed.

Championship Round

Championship Round presentations will be held April 12, 2024. A schedule will be provided to the Top 8 teams that advanced to this final round of the competition. The results of the competition and the NBPC winners will be announced during the Youth Business Summit.

Time Limits

Presentations must be at least 8 minutes in length and cannot extend beyond 10 minutes. The Q&A period will be approximately 5-10 minutes. Penalties for presentations that go over the time limit are as follows:

  • 10 second grace period before 1st penalty applied
  • 11 to 30 seconds over: 1 point
  • 31 to 60 seconds over: 2 points
  • 61 seconds up to 2 minutes over: 5 points
  • More than 2 minutes over: 10 points

Submission Weight

Competition Resources

For business plan resources, refer to competition scoring guides in Hub / Curriculum / Competitions Scoring Guides and Resources / Business Plan

Competition Guidelines: Written

Local/Regional Rounds: Enhanced Executive Summary


The Executive Summary (1 electronic PDF file) must be uploaded to the VE Competitions Manager by deadline set by the VE region. The firm’s advancement from Round 1 (Local) to Round 2 (Regional) is determined by judges who rate the written submission, oral presentation, and Q&A. Teams that qualify for Round 2 (Regional) will have the ability to revise their Executive Summary and submit to the Competitions Manager based on the deadline set by the Regional Lead.


The Executive Summary cannot exceed 4 pages. This must be presented in an appropriately readable and sized font and be one-and-one-half or double spaced. Font sizes and types may vary but should approximately align to 12pt Times New Roman font. The suggested page margin is 1” and the minimum acceptable margin is 0.5”.  A cover page should not be included.

Financial Reporting

An overview of the company’s financial performance, that may include: break-even highlights, projected sales figures, projected expenses, projected profit or loss, or relevant charts and graphs. 

National Rounds: Full Written Business Plan


The business plan and accompanying materials (1 electronic PDF file) must be uploaded to the VE Competitions Manager. The written score is determined by judges who read and rate business plans prior to the oral presentation. Teams that qualify for the National Business Plan Competition will submit their written business plan for review to their regional director by February 28, 2025 and to the Competitions Manager by the March 13, 2025 deadline.


Business plans cannot exceed 20 pages; this page limit does not include the cover page, executive summary, table of contents, plus an appendix of up to 8 additional pages of supporting documents. Written plans must be presented in an appropriately readable and sized font and be one-and-one-half or double spaced. Font sizes and types may vary but should approximately align to 12pt Times New Roman font. The suggested page margin is 1” and the minimum acceptable margin is 0.5”.

Financial Reporting

  • Actual vs. Projected: For the National Business Plan Competition, numbers should be actual as of 2/28/25 with projections through 4/30/25. When preparing and presenting the financial statements, columns should be labeled as “actual” or “projected.”
  • Break-even Analysis: Provide break-even amounts in total dollars and number of sales. Provide details about assumptions you used to perform analysis including the profit margin percentage. (Assume that all costs are fixed except for cost of goods sold.)
  • Sales Projection Summary: Create a month-by month summary of projected sales through 4/30/25 that includes online sales, trade show sales, direct sales, out-of-network sales, and other for local/regional/state competitions and actual as of 2/28/25 with projections through 4/30/25 for the national competition.
  • Summary Profit & Loss Statement: Provide a projected summary profit and loss report for the fiscal year ending 4/30/25. The summary should include projected Total Revenue, Cost of Goods Sold, Gross Profit, Gross Profit Margin %, Operating Expenses and Net Income for the fiscal year. (Numbers should be based upon research and compilation of data to support the numbers provided in the summary.)
  • Balance Sheet: Provide a current “actual” balance sheet dated 2/28/25 for the national competition.
  • Financial write-up: A written summary/explanation/interpretation of the financial data.
  • Financial statements and charts should include footnotes that explain or provide additional details about the assumptions and/or methods used to determine the numbers.

Written Business Plan Support Guide

Competition Guidelines: Oral Presentation

Presentation Guidelines

  • Teams may use slide presentations, video or other visual aids. Please note that video clips, in the past, have not always been successful. Teams may use any currently available presentation software, and may devise a system for screen sharing for video conference presentations (e.g., one person shares for all presenters, etc.)
  • Presentation room observers may NOT interact with student team members once they enter the presentation room and may NOT assist student participants in any way. Any attempt to communicate, or any form of communication with team members, or judges, will result in a penalty or disqualification.
  • No one but the competition staff can communicate with judges inside or outside of the presentation room.
  • To prevent distractions, individuals will NOT be allowed to enter or exit a presentation room once a presentation begins.
  • Teams are allowed to greet judges upon entering the competition room.
  • Teams may NOT distribute items such as gifts, product samples, prototypes, or food/drinks for the judges to keep.
  • Teams are NOT permitted to ask judges to give them a one or two minute warning before their time is up.
  • Team members must wait until the moderator welcomes them and invites them to start their presentation.
  • Questions asked by the judges will be directed to the team.

Time Limits

Local/Regional Competition: Presentations must be at least 8 minutes in length and cannot extend beyond 10 minutes. The Q&A period is approximately 5 minutes.

National Competition: Presentations must be at least 8 minutes in length and cannot extend beyond 10 minutes. The Q&A period will be approximately 5-10 minutes.

For ALL competitions, penalties for presentations that go over the time limit are as follows:

  • 10 second grace period before 1st penalty applied
  • 11 to 30 seconds over: 1 point
  • 31 to 60 seconds over: 2 points
  • 61 seconds up to 2 minutes over: 5 points
  • More than 2 minutes over: 10 points

Question & Answer Period

At the completion of the team presentation, judges will pose questions to team members. The judges have allotted time to ask questions relating to the oral presentation or written submission. Any member of the team may choose to answer the question and responses should be distributed across the members of the team. Responses should not be dominated by any individual team member. Team members may NOT confer with each other while formulating answers.

Presentation Tips

Oral business plan presentations will take place in-person at the Youth Business Summit. Refer to the Oral Presentation Competition Tips for presentation tips.

Oral Presentation Support Guide

Generally Accepted Business Practices

VE Organization

As part of About the Business (for details see Written Scoring Guide), please indicate whether the firm is organized as a B*, C, or S corporation, or LLC. Companies identifying as S corps or LLC’s need to provide:

  1. A list of all the shareholders** and;
  2. An explanation of how profits and losses will be allocated to each shareholder (i.e., what percentage of profits and losses will be allocated to each shareholder) and an agreement from the shareholders that they are willing to pay the taxes on the profits.

* Companies identifying as B corps must provide results of their B Impact Assessment (http://bimpactassessment.net/).
** List of shareholders should be included in the appendix of the written business plan. There will be a 1-point penalty if the list is not provided.

Financial Practices

  • Firms may borrow up to 3 months of operating expenses plus one-time startup costs, not to exceed $150,000.
  • Firms may recruit up to 4 angel investors for equity investments. New Firms are not allowed more than $200,000 in individual investments per academic year. Existing Firms are not allowed more than $160,000 in individual investments per academic year.
  • Depreciation method is standardized: straight-line method over 5 years.
  • Business plan financial statements columns labeled “actual” MUST be based on ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS. The team can be disqualified if it is determined at any time DURING or AFTER the competition that the information is not accurately reported.
  • VE merchandise firms need to BUY their inventory from the Wholesale Marketplace and, if asked at any time, be able to provide evidence of purchases and payment.
  • The VE sales tax rate is based upon the firm’s relative state sales tax rate. Using the previous VE national sales tax rate of 7% will also be an allowable method for this year.
  • Federal corporate taxes are only paid if there is a net income. Please check for possible state and local corporate taxes when there is no profit.

Out-of-Network Sales Agreements

For NBPC qualifiers, contracts/agreements with non-virtual entities MUST be included with the business plan submission, approved by the regional director, and show evidence of negotiation (MUST include name, title of the person, email address, and phone number of business contact(s) who signs the agreement. Letters, emails or other documentation can also be included). The total income from negotiated agreements with non-virtual entities cannot exceed 75% of the total yearly salaries, net of cost of goods sold. Further detail and explanation can be found in the VE curriculum.


  • Trade show sales and sales from non-virtual entities need to be reported on separate lines on the Income Statement.
  • Contracts must be made with non-family members.
  • Purchase orders do not constitute a contract.

Original Work

Business plans and presentations must reflect the original work of current students from the firm. Students are required to write a brand new, original business plan. If you see a sample business plan from a prior year, it is for guidance and may not be copied.


Plagiarism is the act of using the ideas or work of another person or persons as if they were one’s own, without giving proper credit to the source. VE reserves the right to disqualify a firm, at any point during or after the competition, if an aspect of the business plan has been plagiarized or if the written plan or the oral presentation is determined to reflect a plan or presentation from a previous year. ANY COVER, GRAPHIC (except firm logo), OR TEXT COPIED FROM A PREVIOUS BUSINESS PLAN MAY DISQUALIFY THE PLAN FROM THE NATIONAL COMPETITION.

Independent Verification

VE reserves the right to conduct an audit of transactions, request documentation on inventory purchases, bank statements or any documentation to support the submitted business plan. The competition also reserves the right not to return submitted business plans.


Fabricated information on the financials, marketing, operations, other VE firms, or any part of the business plan can result in disqualification. Example: XYZ firm has a major celebrity who wears our ties. If there is an agreement with this celebrity, the actual agreement, approved by the state office, must be included with the business plan.

This note is meant to warn teams away from presenting falsehoods about their business, such as claiming to have something that they don’t (an app, a delivery truck, an offshore warehouse, a major endorsement from a celebrity, etc.). A suggestion could be, for example, stating that an app for the business is in development and outlining the anticipated features of the app. While some teams may push the limits of what they claim to have/do, we must leave it in the judges’ hands to vet the practicality and actuality of what is presented. Presenting falsehoods about the business may be subject to disqualification.

Sales reported on an income statement must be actual transactions that are documented (supported) by sales invoices for which payment has been made or is expected. Except for the sale of services, sales must be supported by actual wholesale purchases between firms or the state/regional office and must be reflected in the VE firm’s financials.

Ethical Use of AI in VE

Virtual Enterprises (VE) acknowledges the growing prevalence of AI in today’s academic and professional environment and its potential for facilitating various tasks. As an organization that prepares students for the future of work, we are mirroring industry leaders, and our stance is to embrace the potential of AI.

Where AI is used, schools must disclose its use and appropriately cite all sources, including AI-generated content or suggestions. AI should augment the learning experience, not replace intellectual work in the classroom and competitive event submissions.

Please note that the AI policy of schools and districts will supersede VE’s Ethical Use of AI policy.

Additional Documents for Review

Code of Conduct: Standards of professional conduct for the VE National Business Plan Competition

Oral Presentation Competition Tips: Helpful tips to assist firms in preparing for the oral business plan presentations and web resources on video conferencing etiquette

Photo/Video Consent Form: Consent to photograph or film for non-profit purpose.

  • Required for participants in local, regional and national business plan competitions

Ethics Agreement: Firm acknowledgement that all work is the current firm’s original work, and understands that disqualification will result from plagiarizing past work.

  • Required for participants in local, regional and national business plan competitions.

The VE National Business Plan Competition Guide was developed by Virtual Enterprises International. It is the policy of Virtual Enterprises International not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, handicapped conditions, sexual orientation or gender in its educational programs, services, activities and employment policies. Under applicable copyright laws, you are prohibited from copying, reproducing, adapting, distributing, displaying, or transmitting any of the content of this Guide, or the National Competition itself, without express written permission. Application for permission to reprint any section of this material or use the program in any way should be made in writing to Virtual Enterprises International, 122 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10023. For information, call VE at (212) 769-2710.