QuickBooks Certification Training

QBO Training Overview

  • Self-paced training opportunity using your own schedule
  • Access to training materials designed to prepare participants for the QuickBooks Online Certification Exam
  • Participants will review approximately 12 hours of recorded training sessions and materials
  • GMetrix practice tests will be provided to participants who confirm their intent to participate
  • Certiport codes will be provided to participants who receive a score of 85+ on their GMetrix practice tests. Please note that participants will need to schedule to take the certification exam at their local Certiport center.

How to Use This Page

  • Review the overview to ensure you are aware of the expectations for the QBO Certification Training.
  • All of the training videos, materials, and resources are included on this page. Click on the topic to access the materials and resources. First, watch the video and then use the resources to apply your learning.
  • Review materials and take GMetrix practice tests.

Important Timeline & Reminders

By February 28, 2024
  • Submit a request for practice exams and vouchers.
March 15, 2024 – April 15, 2024
  • Review the materials and videos on the QBO Certification Training webpage (approximately 12-16 hours of content).
April 15, 2024 – April 30, 2024
  • Complete the GMetrix Certification Practice Test and send a screenshot of the test score to VE. Please note you must receive a cut score of 85+ to receive access to a Certiport code.
May 1, 2024 – June 15, 2024
  • Schedule a date at your local Certiport center to take the exam.
  • Study for the exam and take additional practice tests.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: I did not receive an invitation for the company file. Where do I find this, and how do I access the company file?

Answer: Your VE teacher should be able to add an additional QuickBooks section (they can add up to 5 demo companies) for you to set up Sushi Coma Inc. to use as a demo account throughout the training. This will allow you to save transactions as you are going through the training. If you use the test drive link, the changes will not save: https://qbo.intuit.com/redir/testdrive.

02: Setup Your Company

Resources:  Setup Your Company

Case Study: Chart of Account List

                      Customer List 

                      Vendor List

Practice Test Answers

08: Accounts Receivables

Resources: Accounts Receivables 

Case Study Files: January Sales Receipt

                                February Sales Receipt  

                               March Sales Receipt

Practice Test Answers

11: Bank & Credit Card Accounts

Resources: Bank  & Credit Card Accounts

Case Study Files: December Amex Reconciliation Report

                                 January Amex Reconciliation Report

                                 February Amex Reconciliation Report

                                 March Amex Reconciliation Report

                                 March Checking Reconciliation Report

                                 March Savings Reconciliation Report 

                                 March Transaction List with Splits

Practice Test Answers

14: Appendix

Resources: Appendix A

                     Appendix B

                     Appendix C

                     Appendix D