NBC “Talk Stoop” personality Cat Greenleaf hosted Deloitte CEO Joe Echevarria along with six New York City VEI student CEOs on steps of her popular Brooklyn brownstone where she interviews actors, musicians, athletes, politicians, and others. While sitting on Greenleaf’s signature stoop, Mr. Echevarria shared leadership advice as the students reflected on what they have learned by running a virtual business.
Mr. Echevarria commented:
“Virtual Enterprises didn’t exist when I was growing up…as a South Bronx native and product of New York City public schools, it would have been an exciting program to be a part of when I was in high school. VEI provides unique opportunities for students, and it was a pleasure meeting each of these remarkable students and learning about their companies and experiences as CEOs.”
Student Participants
Josuel Plasencia, CEO of Assurance Services for Advanced Progress
Academy of Finance & Enterprise, Queens, NY
Majestic Rivas, CEO of ImagiNation
High School of Arts, Imagination & Inquiry, New York, NY
Billy Ding, CEO of Solarity
New Dorp High School, Staten Island, NY
Marcus Purvis, CEO of Gamers4Good
Business of Sports School, New York, NY
Jessie Maguire, CEO of Brandmark Advertising
Edward R. Murrow High School, Brooklyn, NY
Suveer Seemangal, CEO of DiverseCity Wear
Queens Vocational High School, Queens, NY