Prime Minister Abbott with VEI students (Photo Credit: Aaron Showalter/NY Daily News)
During a tour of Brooklyn’s P-TECH on June 11th, 2014, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott visited VEI’s Titan, Inc. P-TECH is a 9-14 high school model that provides an opportunity for students to earn a high school diploma and an Associate’s degree. In addition, students participate in internships with the eventual goal of securing employment at IBM. [intlink id=”8000″ type=”page”]Titan, Inc.[/intlink] is one of three [intlink id=”8367″ type=”page”]VEI Firms[/intlink] P-TECH implements to give 11th graders real-world experience.
The school has garnered international attention [intlink id=”7686″ type=”post”]thanks to President Obama pointing toward the school[/intlink] as an example of the future direction of education.
“‘This offers a very good path forward,’ Abbott told a group of students and school staffers.”
Titan, Inc. is led by CEO Gabriel Rosa, [intlink id=”6043″ type=”page”]one of the many amazing students who spoke[/intlink]Â at [intlink id=”10297″ type=”post”]VEI’s 2nd Annual Fundraising Gala[/intlink].

Titan, Inc. CEO Gabriel Rosa of P-TECH in Brooklyn, NY (Photo Credit: Jeffery Holmes)