Chief Executive officer Alex Bridges of Ancora Safety, along with his executive staff Paige Nairn, Ana Garza, director of marketing, Rigoberto Cruz, chief operation officer and chief marketing officer Matthew Tanunda, practice their PowerPoint presentation for competition. Students at Centennial High School have created a simulated business that would provide defensive products to students. (Photo and Caption Credit: Alex Horvath / The Californian)
In light of recent school shootings and other local incidents of violence, VE students from Centennial High School in Bakersfield, California were motivated to create their VE company Ancora Safety as a way to equip students to be prepared for the unexpected by offering products including bulletproof backpacks, pepper spray, and stun guns, and services including active shooter and self-defense training courses.
Read the full story: “School violence inspires Centennial High students’ idea for virtual business”
Read an additional piece featured on Bakersfield.com, “OUR VIEW: These teens’ innovation says a lot about our world today“