BlogNews 2018 National Company Newsletter Competition Submissions Period: 1/29/2018 - 2/16/2018 Judging Period: 2/17/2018 - 3/4/2018 Results Announced:Â Week of 3/12/2018 The…VEIJanuary 26, 2018
BlogNew York CityNew York City Metro AreaNews 2018 New York Citywide Business Plan Competition Recap VE firm The Vision Media posted a recap of the 2018 New York Citywide Business…VEIJanuary 23, 2018
BlogMedia CoverageNewsSouth The Sumter Item: “Class Transforms School Into Workplace” C. Wood & Associates, a VE firm from Crestwood High School in South Carolina, was…VEIJanuary 23, 2018
BlogCaliforniaMedia CoverageNewsTrade ShowsWest 23ABC News: “Virtual Enterprises Conference and Exhibition Held at Rabobank” 23ABC News featured the 2018 California State Conference and Exhibition in an article published online:…VEIJanuary 22, 2018
BlogMedia CoverageNews The Royal Gazette: “CedarBridge Prepares Students for Work” Bermuda's CedarBridge Academy has introduced a new series of courses designed to prepare students for…VEIJanuary 22, 2018
BlogIllinoisMidwestNews 2017 Illinois Business Plan Competition Recap On Friday, December 8, 2017, eighteen VE firms competed in the 2017 Illinois Business Plan…VEIJanuary 22, 2018
BlogIllinoisMidwestNews 2017 Illinois Student Leadership Conference Recap Article submitted by Maddie Schaafsma, CMO of Core, Inc., Timothy Christian High School On Thursday,…VEIJanuary 16, 2018
BlogMedia CoverageMidwestNewsTrade Shows Chicago’s Daily Herald: “Cary-Grove students headed to national business competition” The article features VE students from Cary-Grove High School's VE firm, Wavelength, who will be…VEIJanuary 3, 2018
BlogLong IslandMedia CoverageNews The Island Now: “Floral Park, Elmont teach business skills through Virtual Enterprises course” “The class really helped me grow a lot as a person," Jose Barcia, VE Alumnus,…VEIDecember 5, 2017
BlogFloridaNewsVE-JV Florida High School VE Students Mentor Middle School VE-JV Students Ramblewood Middle School's VE-JV students visited JP Taravella High School's VE firm, Tea Treat Box…VEINovember 29, 2017